Frequently Asked and Hopefully Answered
How do I get started? Please call us at 1.866.630.3443!
Why use A PLACE TO START? Just like trying to complete a puzzle that is missing a piece, often times organizing can feel like it's not quite complete. We help you find the missing piece!
Where did you get the photos that are on your website? All of the photos on our website are from spaces we have organized. We feel it is the best way for you to see our work.
How long will this take? One of our organizing solutions, ALL ABOUT ORGANIZING, is a one day process. The continued organizing of your project(s) is up to you. If you choose to hire us on an hourly basis (the traditional method), our completion of your project will depend on how quickly you make decisions about your space and then items in it. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and your organizing mishap didn’t develop overnight. It’s a process and we will be here to coach you through it!
If I choose ALL ABOUT ORGANIZING will this really work? Yes! We have successfully coached many people on the ways of organization. You will have to be dedicated to finishing your project and maintaining the results; we will teach you how. Should you need us, we will be only as far as a phone call or an appointment away.
Am I going to have to get rid of stuff? We certainly won’t ask you to part with your nearest and dearest items. We will coach you through eliminating, relocating or donating items that might be cluttering your mind as well as your space. However, it is always YOUR decision whether or not to make that choice.
Are you going to give me some cookie-cutter way of organizing because I’ve tried what my friend’s are doing and it doesn’t work for me! Every single one of our organizing consultations is planned around how you live and work. We ask questions, lots of them, to determine which of the multiple options we might suggest will work best for you. In our opinion, there is not an all encompassing, perfect system that works for everyone.
HELP! This isn’t as easy as I thought! Deep breaths...we’ve been there and we know how to find the light at the end of the tunnel. We are happy to discuss your project over the telephone or in person, if needed. We will do our best to help you discover your happy, organized space!
How far do you travel? We prefer to stay close to our clients and their projects so we can lend a hand when needed. A travel charge is applied whenever we exceed 20 miles in any direction from our office. We will let you know if this applies to your location.
This is something I really don't want anyone knowing about... No worries! We completely understand. We maintain strict confidentiality at all times unless you tell us otherwise. As members of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), we adhere to a strict code of ethics. Any names mentioned on our website have been authorized by our clients. We also arrive in unmarked vehicles.
Does your house ever get messy? Of course! The difference between cleaning up a mess when you are organized versus not, is that it’s easier and much faster to put it all away since everything has a place. It almost makes cleaning up fun. Almost.